Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What is this World Coming to? God Help Us All

There was this topic in yahoo about Muslim women who apparently created peace in their town by launching a "sex strike". Their husbands, at least for the time being, came stopped the fighting and came home. That's good. Bravo to the women. Okay, done.

What is disturbing is the comment of this one guy in the comment panel saying "Let them Kill themselves...blah blah.." and saying "Allah is waiting for them in hell with many virgins..." It was a blasphemous and ignorant comment. And since, it's exactly those kind of comments that breeds inter-religious hatred that I decided to step in and explain to him that Allah, whom the Muslims call God and the God we Christians and Catholics alike are actually one and the same.(The difference is Muslims don't acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God. But I left that part out since that wasn't necessary to make my point.) And you wouldn't believe how many thumbs down I got in such a short amount of time. Oh, the stupidity and ignorance of the Filipinos of our generation. Here I am trying to quell the fire of hate between Muslims and Christians by providing vital information to the uninformed, and yet I get booed, while the one who recklessly and ignorantly posted that hate comment gets thumbs ups. Both he and his crowd are oblivious to the fact that his comment and their simple approval of it are enough to fuel another blood feud between the long-time rival religions, the Muslims and Christians.

I believe that sufficient and proper information can put an end to misunderstandings. But with people being ignorant to information, what will this world come to? True not every bit of information can is true. Some are false, fabricated, and created to spread chaos thru misinformation. I understand those kind of sentiments, but would it hurt or be a waste of time to do some research? - a perfect oppurtunity to learn something new and see different points of view. And with the number of people today who are committed to find the truth about everything, or the number of truths that have already been established, the chances of stumbling upon misinformation is significantly lowered. So why then? Why the thumbs down, even before trying to find the truth? Do the Filipinos today not value knowledge? Would they rather have heresays? Are they content in living their lives only for themselves; to live just a good or comfortable life? - shunning their own personal responsibility in contrubuting to and making a better society. Well, if that is so then we will have no place in our changing world. We will all fade away, insignificant to the eyes of others and be just another part of the archeological records. But before disappearing we will experience the ridicule and be discriminated by others. They will call us barbaric, they will call us uncivilized. We will, once again, be called an inferior race. And then and only then, when the traces of our society have been eradicated, will our great but tainted name Filipino be spared, forgotten and can only be found as a reference in historical and archeological textbooks. That is doomed to be the future of our race, if we do not change. True our genes, our genetic lineage may remain...but they will not be Filipino. That will be our end. The end of Filipino culture, heritage and society that Rizal was not able to foresaw - an end that will be, if we do not change. God help us all.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Her FOB Songs Decoded?

I thought about her today...well, I still do everyday. I don't know if I'm over her. I don't really want to think about it much. A part of me hopes, believes that these as do all heartaches will eventually pass. It's been almost 3 years and a month since I fell in-love with her, and it will be 3 years next month since this heartache began. But yet, there is also a tiny part of me that wants, that hopes, that we can still be together...someday.

So I decided to listen to Grand Theft Autumn by Fall Out Boy. And the reason why that staement seemed emphasized is that because FOB songs are taboo to me. I don't listen to them much because it reminds me of HER, that crazed FOB fan. I do play a song or two when sometimes the thought of her is just too strong. Today was one of those days I guess. And while listening to the song, I checked out the pictures that I have of her. I stumbled upon the two pictures containing FOB lyrics. The same two that I mentioned in my other blogs last year. The lyrics are "So Progress Report: I am missing you to death" from the song I Slept With Someone in fall Out Boy and "I wish I was as invisible as you make me feel" from the song The Pros and Cons of Breathing. Last year I mentioned about the possibility or hope rather, of that having something to with me. Well, it may actually have. When looking at the said pictures, the date of when the pictures was uploaded in FB suddenly flashed in my mind. It was Sept. 25, 2009. That held no important significance to me back when I first saw the pictures and the date. The last day we talked was when Sept. 23, 2008. I wrote it off as mere coincidence. But then I remembered something. Sept. 25 was a thursday. She did a presentation in class that day. I did not pay attention to her while she was performing. I remember now, that I was also clenching my fist all throughout her performance. I kind of glance of her sometimes. She must have seen that. That maybe it. Her friend once told me before, when things weren't as worse yet as it is today, that she ignores me, iniiwasan nya ako, because tinignan ko daw sya ng masama. That may really be it. It was really not my intension to look at her that way, nor was it intended for her to take it that way. I guess, I was trying to show her I was in pain. Pain of the possibility of debarrment in my first sem in college, pain because I feel that we were slowly growing apart. I was fucked up back then...

The picture was uploaded exactly one year after that incident happened. Was it coincidence, was it connected? Was it something to commemorate the anniversary of us, both mutually feeling apart, distant. Does she treat Sept. 25 as "the day", the same way as I do with Sept. 23? Is Sept. 25 for her connected to me? If in the slightest chance that it was, that could mean it took her a year or more to get over me. Could she still not be over me now?... Please note that the last two sentences are just speculation. Keyword is; as always, IF.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Conversation With CHEDeng

A blue boy was standing in the garden of a green painted house. He was leaning in a car painted gold and black. Puffing one of the last cigarettes he'll ever have, he walked towards the center of the garden as drizzles fall from the gray colored sky. He looked up to the sky and asked,

"Are you crying for me sky?"

The drizzles fell harder, faster. Thunder echoed like the groaning of a ghost, like a dead lover perhaps, or a tormented soul bound to this Earth by an unfinished business that can never be done. It echoed as the rain fell on the blue boy's cheek. Rain as salty as tears, rain as painful as tears.

The blue boy, threw away his cigarette. He smiled at the sky and said these words that, like the thunder, echoed from his heart with every resounding beat...

"Then don't. I'll be fine"

The rain continued to pour as if saying what if your not? What if it's a lie?

The blue boy answered, "And if it's a lie...time will come when it won't be. I'll be fine".

The blue boy walked away and took shelter in his green painted house as the rain fell harder and the thunder roared louder.

There won't be any rain tomorrow. If it does, then the next day. If the next day still, then next week. But this is for certain; the rain won't last forver.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Re-watched Angel! Beats! =')

Just re-watched the really sad part of Angel Beats! ep 13 for the 3,4,5 and 6th time today! I still cried. Subarashii =')

Angel Beats! Re-watch! =')

Rewatched ANgel Beats! for the Second time! xD
Still Rewinded the scenes several times.

Almost a year after the airing of Angel Beats! I still cried a lot! xD

Episode 13, still made me cry more than any other show I ever watched and probabaly ever will... My tears were literally flowing, pouring from my eyes.

I love it so much. Ep. 13 Angel Beats! arigatougozaimasu! xD daisuki xD

Yuzuru <3 Kanade =')

^_^ >_<.