Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Re-watched Angel! Beats! =')

Just re-watched the really sad part of Angel Beats! ep 13 for the 3,4,5 and 6th time today! I still cried. Subarashii =')

Angel Beats! Re-watch! =')

Rewatched ANgel Beats! for the Second time! xD
Still Rewinded the scenes several times.

Almost a year after the airing of Angel Beats! I still cried a lot! xD

Episode 13, still made me cry more than any other show I ever watched and probabaly ever will... My tears were literally flowing, pouring from my eyes.

I love it so much. Ep. 13 Angel Beats! arigatougozaimasu! xD daisuki xD

Yuzuru <3 Kanade =')

^_^ >_<.