Saturday, December 20, 2008

Naruto...a role model?


I've just finished watching the first Naruto movie; Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow...

It had a message...(like the series). - a message about never giving up. a message about fighting for your dreams...

Naruto...even if faced with incredible odds, even if the world is against him, even if nobody expects anything of him, even if he is sort of a laughing stock and an outcast, he never gives up. He trains painstakingly, he perseveres, and he gives his best.

"If you give up, nothing will ever happen, nothing will change."

"NO! 'cause all you're doing is running away(by dying), don't throw away you're life like this!"

"I'll be dead long before I give up!"

"As long as there is hope, one may dream, and with those dreams, the future comes..."

"When you give up, your dreams and everything else, they're gone!"

"I kept at it and didn't give up, and good things happened..."

"so long as you believe in that dream and never give up, someday you will become that"...

"There won't be a happy ending unless you fight for it!"

Those are some of the inspirational words I found in the movie, they're not that exact but at least you get the idea...

the movie made me think...

what if the odds really are against you, and it seems that there is nothing you could do...would you just give up? Or would you do whatever the hell you can?
There are really times where there is really nothing else you could do...but would you still die trying?
Isn't it easier to just give up?

But, then again, if you did, there will never be a CHANCE for you to have a happy ending...

We're all searching for our own happy endings.

Monday, December 15, 2008

This is not a work of art(promise). Just Plain and simple, I dream of you.

I now know...why I can't seem to forget about you.

Remember when I said I don't have any dreams anymore?
I just found out I still do...

I dream of you...

every time I wake up in the middle of the night, it is you who is in my mind.

It seems like every night, it is you who I dream off...
I don't remember any dreams that I've had without you in it.
All the dreams I remember are of you...

I may not be good with logic but all these points out that I dream of you...only you.
And I know...I firmly believe, that I do...only of you.

I dream of you. I can't stop thinking about you. I dream of you.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

my giant earthworm...

I found a giant earthworm near our house the other day...

It was about 7 inches in length and 3/4 of an inch in diameter! WOW!

I have never seen an earthworm that big!

at first I just thought of leaving it out there on the street and let nature decide it's fate. - to be eaten by birds or be a plaything for the cats that roamed nearby.
But, it was midday. It was the searing heat of the cement caused by the sun that's going to kill it. The poor thing was twitching and wiggling as it is being sizzled alive. I couldn't stand the sight of that amazing freak of nature as it lay dying there. I felt sorry for it. So I got a jar and placed the worm in it...and showed it off to my family. They had different reactions. My grandma was amazed, my mom kinda grossed out, our maid not grossed out but sorta kinda scared, and my dad the usual no-reaction-emotion-face. Too bad my 'lil sis was at school. She wasn't able to see the whole thing. By the time she got home, I had already put garden soil and dry leaves inside the jar to keep it alive. I was thinking of putting it in a jar filled with chloroform to preserve it but that would be killing it. So I decided to take care of it until it grows old and dies naturally and then preserve it. That way, I could give it a chance to grow bigger.

I also thought of just letting it live naturally in our garden but I got scared and paranoid. I thought what if it is a mutation of some sort or what if it is really some alien parasitic slug waiting for the right time to ambush us and take over our bodies. Yeah, I know. My imagination got the best of me. But hey, better safe than sorry. I also know that taking care of it in a jar would really make a difference if it was really an alien or a mutant, but it gave me comfort and peace of mind.

I was about to take pictures of it this morning( so I could document it, and yes, blog it.). But I found the jar filled with maggots. It was already dead and rotting. I may have been dead since yesterday. I wasn't really able to check if it was still alive yesterday. I got home late and it was already dark. And it was a hassle to remove the all soil and put it all back in. I decided to do it today. But now it was dead. And because it was already rotting and maggot infested, I wasn't able to at least get a photo of it.

*sigh* Too bad...
I really wanted to know why it grew so big...

my giant earthworm...

Monday, December 1, 2008

Bulalo Road trip.

We went on a road trip to Tagaytay today...err I mean yesterday. Whoa! it's already almost 1 am.
Dec. 2 na! Happy B-Day Dad! =)

We had a road trip to "break-in"(i dunno if you know what this means...i don't too) the new car.
The excuse for having a road trip at the LAST day of a long weekend(last day for them, I have no classes on tuesdays), to eat Bulalo.

We searched all over Tagaytay for Bulalo. The restaurant that we knew already ran out of business so we...found ourselves going all the way to Batangas(it's really not that far. HAha)

The restaurant we ate in is also seems running out of business.( lucky, not yet! Yay for Bulalo!!!)
They served the Bulalo in the BIGGEST bowl that I have ever seen! Hahaha
It's kinda the size of a small basin. Bulalo! Bulalo! BULALO!
*sorry(for typing shit that makes me sound like a fucking retard), I'm so sleepy. I'm kinda not myself today. Sleepy*

I can't believe my mom has such a weak stomach. She almost puked at the sight(and smell) of the slaughtered cows that are for sale. beeEf! (There was a slaughterhouse and a wet market near the restaurant.)

The thing that's really...(can't find the right word to describe it...bothering?...basta ganun.) is on the car, the radio kept playing Christmas songs and Pinoy Christmas love songs like Pasko na sinta ko, (yadiyadiyada...), over and over. And if it's not that, they're playing heartbreak songs...(BUT majority was still Christmas songs). I had no choice but to bear with it, my mp4 broke down again and needs to be reformatted(again). Those sad songs made me think of...her again. (Haha! like I'm not thinking of her even without listening those songs.) Wala lang. It's kinda sad. Hayz! Haha.


I know that I said in my previous blog that I am not looking look forward to Christmas anymore but after hearing those songs[(the Happy ones, like the song with the line " Let's sing Merry Christmas, and a happy holidays. This season may we never forget the love we have for Jesus") I think the title of that song is Jesus in Our Hearts. I dunno.] I kinda felt the spirit of Christmas again. I felt the joy Chritmas brings to peoples' hearts. That sort of feeling. I may be looking forward to Christmas again. Haha. Let's see. =)

ohw! the MCR concert I'm downloading is finally DOWNLOADED! Haha!

*Fuck! I really sound like an idiot here.* Whatever, like I care! XD

Saturday, November 29, 2008

What Do You Live For?

Just got home from watching Twilight with my tropa.

" What Do You Live For?" - the tag line from the movie poster.

Wala lang. Now that I'm alone again, that question suddenly pops into my mind and made me think...

Exactly what do I live for? Or why am I even alive?

Before I used to believe that I have a purpose in this world, that I will, in the future, do something great to save humanity( or at least part of it). That used to be my dream, to change the world, to make it a better place. You would laugh if I told you my fantasies on how I plan do it. I daydream a lot and I came up with a couple of ways of doing it, but if I think about it rationally, those are really really impossible.

I have no more dreams now. I have no goals set to attain. each day passes by, dull and meaningless. Nothing to look forward to, not even Christmas. Unlike before, oh how I look forward to every Friday and mondays too. If fact, I used to look forward to everyday of the week. I guess I was happy back then, or at least contented with my life.

Now, I am an irregular bio student. And yes, honestly, I didn't really study last semester. I gave very little effort in studying and no effort at all in trying to recover from my deficiencies in the prelims. I thought I had no hope anyway. I didn't even try.

And I am now really considering to shift to journalism. Even though I failed my at english 101, it is still the subject which I am best at. Plus, I'll have an excuse to write. My dad scolds me when I write stuff. He says that the things that I write are too negative and gives me his sermon on how lucky I am compared to him when he was a child. He doesn't understand me. Come to think of it nobody really does. I don't even know if I understand my own self.

Before I used to say to myself that I will become a doctor and dedicate part of my daily time in offering free services to the poor. Now, the only reason why I want to become a doctor is for the money. So I could get out of this house and be free to do all the things I want to do. - particularly to express myself freely.

After watching Twilight, I realized how boring and miserable my life is without love. I'd hate to compare my life with movies but, wouldn't it be dramatically wonderful to have someone to want and need you like Edward and Bella wants and needs each other. Like what my friend Daryl said to me before, Everyone needs to be needed back.
Will I ever find someone who will need me as much as I need her? * if you're planning to tell me that I am still young and that the time will come when I will meet the girl for me...YES, I KNOW! *

I am just one confused soul right now. I dunno what I want to do with my life. I don't even know if I want to continue on living. I dunno, but I really am not happy. There might really be no valid reason why I shouldn't be, but I really am not.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Day I Got My Life Back!

The 13th of November. It's now been a year since THAT day. A day that used to be a full of misery and pain for me. The day my ex broke up with me.

looking back. . .

It was about 7 at night back then. I got on my bike and rode off to a 3 km journey to my ex's house. She didn't answer my calls nor replied to my txts. So I decided to pay her a little visit. Ignoring my mom telling that it's already late. My curfew back then was still at 6 pm. ( If not involved with some school activities.) I took a shortcut through Putol into Multinational Village.
On the way, my mind speculated on why she wouldn't answer my calls. We were on an unofficial coof -off at that time. She was the one who insisted that we have a cool-off. - for a some reason that I now forgotten why.

When I arrived at the corner of the street where her house was at, I saw her older sister. I asked her where she was and she told me that Jhen( my ex) was at home. She seemed kinda trouble or sort of reluctant in her answer. I proceeded to go to her house when I came across Jhen on the street that leads to her house. She was with this guy. He was about 5' 9 in height, moreno, medium build but kinda muscular. I asked her who he was and she told me that it was her cousin's bf and she was just seeing him off. But I had this feeling that she was lying. So I placed my arm across her shoulders and asked the guy...

" Girlfriend mo ba ito? ".

I was ready to ram my bike into him and pound him if his answer was yes. He said no, but I noticed what would look like a sarcastic "look" in his face.
So I asked my gf why she was not answering my calls. She said all sorts of lies and reasons why. Unfortunately, I bought it - every damn single one of it.

After being convinced she told me to go home already. It was already late and she still have lots to do. So I kissed her good bye, at that guy's presence, and went on my way.

When I got home, I recalled what happened and felt that something was really wrong. So I called and flooded her cellfone with txt nonstop until she finally had enough and answered it. She was really really pissed off and told me EVERYTHING. - that the guy was really her new bf, and they had a deal that if ever he and I would ever cross paths, he would deny that they were having an affair. In short, the bitch was two-timing me.

After revealing all that, she told me that we were done, over. She broke up with me. - over the damn fone. With this unexplainable feeling of shock and pain, I took off to her house again at 9 in the evening. The 30 minute ride to her house felt like a hundred years. I felt all sorts of things and had all sorts of thoughts in my head all at the same time.

When I got to her house, I found her lying on their living room watching tv. I called her out to talk. I asked her if we were really breaking up and if she really loves the guy.
The really stupid thing I regret doing was asking her if we could do something about it, if we really had to break up. - whenever I think of this, I really end up punching the wall and hurting myself. It was a really fucking stupid shameful thing to say. I threw away my fucking pride just for a girl like her.

So for the last time, I kissed her - another thing I really reget, and set for home. On my way, I felt mixed emotions. With tears in my eyes and a smile on my face, I looked up the night sky, and said to myself: " The fighting is over ". ( We had fights and other break-ups in the past)

I was sad because I loved her.
I was angry because she betrayed me.
I was relieved and happy that finally, it's over.

No more pain. And no more future that is doomed to have had full of regrets, betreyal and a hell lot of suffering with her.
How could I say that we could have had a future together? Well, that's because her family really likes me. Her ate even made me a godfather of her daughter. Jhen was the youngest in her family,btw.

She was about to turn 18, while I just only turned 16.

And I admit, while we were still together, we already made plans to have a family.
We agreed that I would marry her when I turn 22 and she 24.
That we will have 2 kids, that we will have our own home and that sort of stuff.

I guess looking back at it now, it's really sort of awkward because we were still really young. And I know that she is not the kind of girl that I wanna wake up with every morning of my life.

When we were still together, my life was going down the drain. It was in chaos.
And spending my life with her would have been like throwing away my life in the trash.

I thank God for rescuing me from her, from a life with her.
That time, I was praying a lot to God, to help me graduate. And she was one of the reasons why I was failing. I was so hung up to her. So I really think that God was the one who guided me to visit her that night, He guided everything that happened, so that I could meet the guy. So I could carry on with my life and be able to do great things. A life with her would have really sucked. A life not worth living, a life with no accomplishments.

So thank you, God! (",)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

I'm at the edge of my sanity right now...

I'm so sick, tired, depressed and frustrated!

I kinda just wanna blow up and take this whole fucking world down with me!

Why is everything oh, so wrong?!!!

rage engulfs my chest...

I'm under a horrendic emotional stress...

if only I could scream. . .and let it all out!

if only I had some way to let these all out!

if only words can describe how i feel. . .

if only things were the same as before. . .

if only things did not change. . .

if only you. . .did not change. . .

if only things did not get colder. . .

then, maybe. . .things would be a bit more bearable for me...

Don't get me wrong my dear, I'm not blaming you for all these shit that's happening to me. . .
The one I blame is destiny. . .

why did she bring me close to you. . .just to take you slowly away?. . .

and what hurts more is that I'm at fault here too. . .

if only I could write better, I would write my heart out. . .
and then, maybe. . .things wouldn't be much harder. . .
maybe. . .I could let out a bit more of this pain. . .

if only I could cry a lot more. . .
if only guys are built to cry A LOT more. . .
then, maybe these emotions wouldn't build up as much. . .

It sucks to be here in the MIDDLE. . .in this case. . .
in between strong and weak. . .

If only I was strong, then, I wouldn't be affected as much by this. . .
If only I was weak, then, I could just cry my heart out. . .
And I wouldn't feel this pain. . .as much.

If only he wasn't too much of an ass. . .and respected my privacy. . .
If only he did not assume things. . .the wrong fucking things!
if only he did not have the ego of a fucking dictator!
then maybe I wouldn't feel the fucking way I feel right now. . .

if only. . .

if only there was someone here beside me. . .
if only there was someone to comfort me. . .
if only there was someone to understand me. . .right now.

I feel so. . .alone.
help me.

if only there was someone to hear my screams. . .
if only there was someone to hear THESE silent screams!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Living the Dream!

Hey! Hisashi buri da na!

It's been more that a month since I've last posted in this blog...

Many things have changed...I'm in college now!
I've been dreaming of being a college student since I was a kid...
Now...I'm living the dream!

It wasn't really that hard to cope up...okay, it is...a bit.
Life from college is totally different from that in high school...
I really CANNOT afford to just slack off and pray for a miracle to pass...
I really gotta work on getting good grades, especially now that the passing grade is 60-70% of the total score...unlike in high school where 51% is just fine.

A lot had happened in the past month...
I turned 17...
made new friends...
and...I have a a catholic...and as a person.

I can really feel it...that I have changed.
I'm not that happy-go-lucky kid I used to be...
I care for the environment more...
and I've become a better person...

and I really hope that this change is permanent...

A lot of interesting things happened this week...
But that would be my little secret!


Friday, June 13, 2008

Getting Ready...

I'm feeling really really sleepy today...

I slept at about 1 am this morning and woke up at 7...
Classes begin on now, I'm already preparing myself.(for it)
I've been sleeping really late this whole summer...watching tv, animes, surfing the net and stuff.
And this is a way I thought of to revert to normal.

Also I usually blog at midnight, but now I'm doing it before supper.
A lot's gonna change...not just my sleeping habit. I can feel it. I'm in college now.
And if I'm gonna change, why not for the better? deshou?...XD

Man, I'm really really sleepy! I can't think straight. I may just be typing nonsense in this blog...


I just noticed...
Why is the time or clock(whatever you call it) in this blog set for american time?
Isn't it supposed to be set like our time here in the Philippines? I mean, friendster's like that. So why not blogger?


About today...

I really didn't do anything today.(as always)
I just had a Code Geass marathon.
I watched...err, re-watched rather, all the episodes I was unable to last week.

I also watched a few Naruto Shippuden episodes. It was awesome but a weeeeee bit too much "superpowered" to the point that it's already getting a little bit too weird. Merely my opinion though. haha...

Hope we have something good for dinner...


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Yui and the Bitch...

I didn't get to chat with her today. I overslept.
I caught her online though. But she didn't open up a chat-whatever they call it. That box where you can chat in Imesh. Just like those in YM.
Sorry if I don't know whatever you call it...
I don't even know the filipino term for it(if it has one)...
I just call it the "chatbox". That's the term I use...
Surprisingly, everyone who hears it seems to figure out what I'm talking about...

Back to the topic. It's better that way...that we didn't chat.
That hunch of mine yesterday...that she was flirting with me. I was right!
Last night I opened up my Imesh and a message popped up...
(You would be able to relate with what I'm saying if you have an Imesh)
(It's exactly like an offline message in YM)
It says: "Sure! I would love to chat with you tomorrow. Mhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! I give very long kisses. Take care. Bye".
Or something really really similar to that...
I'm not very sure about that "take care" part. But I'm positively sure that the rest is exactly like what I've typed...

After having her bf cheats on her...after he hurts her. After only a few hours of "the incident", she flirts with me! Rather, she tries to flirt with me. Remember I didn't give in to her.
God, what the hell is the matter with people nowadays! Is there no descent girl left in this world? Or guys too for that matter...

The way people are acting(especially the younger generations), love means nothing more than two people being together, sharing sweet conversations, eating out and having sex. After all that is done and they(or one of the two) had enough, they'll just leave(each other/ the other) and move on to another person, and so on.

God, I hate those kind of people! They really piss me off! They are one of the few main reasons why the world is such an evil place today!
I Hope there's an appropriate punishment waiting for them in the afterlife!

In the brighter side of things, today is a not-so-average day!
I got to play PS2 for free at my aunt's PS2 and PC rentals...
I almost got beat by my little sis at Tekken! Man, I sucked!

At home...
I listed to all Yui MV's I could find. Surprisingly, I didn't find a single one that I didn't like!
Yui's truly amazing! She has a really great(and cute) voice, and I just love the way she sings!
She's really something!

I think I'm in-love again! haha...xP

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Long Chat. Back to Work...again.

Today's just a typical day...but a sad one.

My dad went back to work today...
Though I'm already used to it, I still don't really like it.
Being away from us for a whole month...
And the next time he comes back, He's only gonna stay for 2 weeks unlike the usual 1 month.
And he's the one who asked his boss for it. He said it was for pay the debt we owe the bank...for having our house built. And also because the oil price is increasing. He says that we need the money in order to gas our cars. Gas is getting more expensive by each day passing, he says.
Oh, He knows! His job is in oil mining after all.

Today I had a chat with that girl again. She sounds like she still hasn't recovered.
I learned that she still loves that guy who broke her heart so much...and was thinking of giving him a second chance.
She asked me of my opinion if she really should. I said no. I said "a guy will never change and will only do it again."
We had a long chat today. About an hour or more. That's long by my standards! I'm not really a usual at chatrooms, etc. ( Is that right? Chatrooms? Is that what they're called? Like YM or Imesh chat thing?)

We talked about a lot of things...
It even came to a point in which, I think, she was flirting with that question of hers.
( NOTE: I THINK, if I'm wrong, sorry!)
I didn't take advantage of her...
I answered her question without any malicious intent whatsoever.
And I didn't make my answer sound flirty or anything that would give her the wrong idea that I was hitting on her.
My answer was the cold hard unmalicious TRUTH!

I won't write about that conversation of ours here out of respect for her...also I just want to keep it private. I'm sure she would want the same.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Shabu Shabu and The Broken Princess...

Just a regular day...

Surfed the net...
Downloaded music..
watched animes...

I did just about everything that I do regularly(since the installment of our DSL)...
Although, I didn't hit "addict mode" today...and I don't know why. I just didn't feel like it. Maybe because the download time in imesh took tooooooo long! In fact it was so long, it either cancelled by itself or I personally cancelled the download. Also I can't download all the music that I want because of the "availability" thing in imesh. The more stars, the "more available" it is, the lesser stars...You've guessed it! The lesser the availability. I can't download most of the songs I like...
What the hell is the use of a DSL if I can't download songs and maximize it's "broadband" capabilities...This really sucks!

I met a girl today...In the Imesh chatroom or whatever the hell they call it. A message box suddenly popped up when I was downloading music...It was a question.
She asked me "Why do u think ur alive" or something like that...
I must admit I was really shocked with the question...
So I asked her, are you emo? She said "It's painted all over, but not to the point that I'd cut myself".
I said "ah...good!...=)" I didn't really know what to say or how to react.
So I answered her question...
My answer was..."I think I'm alive because I have a purpose to live or a purpose/destiny to fulfill...I'm alive 'coz I need to do something great to be able to face God in Heaven..."
That was my exact answer...
Her reply was "good input". And I just replied with a smile...
And then I threw the question back at her...
Her answer was something like..."Earlier because of my bf. But he broke my heart and now I'm dying". A great silence came over me...I didn't hear the dogs barking, the vehicles passing by, the construction going on and even my grandma's loud radio. All was in silence, in that one brief moment. It seemed like that time stood still...

I know that feeling...I've experienced it before. That feeling...which you just wanna tear your chest open with your claws and rip your heart to shreds. I don't ever want to experience that again.

I said "I'm sorry". She said she was alright now. And then she bid me farewell...
She said she has to go...and thank me for the time and the chat.
Then she told me "let's chat again tomorrow" and "wait for me".
I said "okay, I'll wait".
I was thinking about saying "take care, and don't cut yourself" as a joke but I didn't. She is suffering right now and this is not the time to be saying such things, I thought.

Then she said "tc". And I just said "u 2...=)".

Later that afternoon, after fetching mom from the office, we ate at a shabu shabu restaurant...
It was my first time to eat shabu shabu...
There was boiling soup in the middle of the table...and the lady put all of the ingredient in it. She also made the dips where we will dip(obviously) the food after cooking. Everything was done in our and all. The ingredients in the soup consisted of vegetables, meat, tofu, mushrooms, shrimp, noodles and fish. It was only a serving for 2 people but it satisfied the 4 of us(mom, dad, me, Issa). It was not as good as japanese food but it was good nonetheless. It was really a unique dinning experience. I wish we could do that again and try out other soups and toppings.


Monday, June 9, 2008

Back from...

Just got back from our family outing...the only one we had this summer.

It was nothing special but it was great! It was so relaxing!

We went to a hot spring resort in Laguna...

There was a restaurant, a Basketball court, swimming pools (ofcourse), and an indoor swimming pool the size of a large jakuzi(did I get the spelling right?) inside the room we rented...

I didn't swim much...I'm kinda tired of swimming in pools lately. I prefer to swim in a natural body of water like the sea, ocean or a river(so long as it's clean)...

I played basketball for a couple of hours...
There was no one playing when I came to the court but when I started playing, people started coming like ants at the very sound of my dribbling...
We played together. We didn't talk much to each other though...
All WE were there for was to shoot some hoops...
As we were playing, I started to realize the power of the sport...
I had just started realizing that I was playing with people of different ages...ranging from 14-50 years old. I was amazed on how much popular and how much loved the game basketball is...

After playing, I went straight to the jakuzi like indoor swimming pool inside our room. The water was nearly 3 feet deep...and was comfortably hot. I listened to J-music while bathing. As I was relaxed in there, my mind started to drift the land of fantasies. Then, I couldn't help but realize how much that jakuzi like indoor swimming pool thing, and the whole bathroom, looked like an Onsen(japanese hot spring). So I sat in traditional japanese sitting position and acted all cool. I continued doing so until I realized that I was dizzy from staying too long in the hot spring water and got out.

I went back in after eating dinner and at 11 in the evening after watching Mr. Bean's Holiday in HBO.

I went back in again after breakfast and after swimming in the swimming pool. Even though I'm pretty much dizzy of the hot water already, I really couldn't have enough. It was so addicting!

We checked out at about 11 am(this morning) and we ate at the same seafood restaurant we used to everytime we go to Laguna.

Even if it wasn't as much fun as the beach, I had had a pretty good time!...XD

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Day 2...

Day 2...after the pc got fixed.

limewire still hangs! aaaaaargh!

So I'm using imesh...
It's not even half as good as limewire but it will have to do...
I downloaded a couple of J-music...

I'll not be able to blog tomorrow...
Our family will go on an outing tomorrow...
We'll be home by monday...

Nothing special happened today...
I didn't even have a thought or an idea that's even worth writing about...
Most of my boring days are like this...

Most of the time I get philosophical ideas...but I had none today.
Even my "fantasy" of creating a "world without evil" did not come to mind...
This was really one of those days which there's nothing to do and nothing really to think about...

The ONLY notable thing that happened today was...
This is the day our maid's mom and younger sister finally left our house after staying here a couple of days...
They came to visit because they(including the father who sent them) were worried that our maid didn't text them...
Baka!(the exact words on my mind when I heard about their reason of visiting)...
How in the world can our made text them if she DOESN'T even have a cellphone!
It was their agreement that she(the maid) would buy a cellphone so they can have communication...
But how the hell can she do that if her mother already took an advaced payment from us?...
and right after her pay day our maid sent the money she earned to them right away...

For the love of God! They only wasted their money coming here and going back...
By the way, they live in Bicol near Mt. Mayon, a 12 hour journey!

Well, it's good that they care so much for their daughter but it's really not the practical thing to do.
Ah! I'll never get parents! Always thinking that their child might be in some kind of predicament...but, that's parently love for you!

I'm really happy they left though...
I'm don't really like people staying here at our house...especially if it's people I don't really know.
I'm not comfortable with them around...I feel like our privacy is being invaded...

mata getsuyobi ni!(did I say it right?)

I'll be back on monday...

Friday, June 6, 2008

The Beginning...

Just finished creating this blog...

We've just finished having our pc fixed this afternoon...
It had some kind of conflict with our newly installed DSL.

Now, I just found out that our pc was not totally fixed but at least it's condition is bearable...
The pc hangs when I open any of my pc games...even stepmania! And, after I downloaded limewire and started downloading music, it hangs again! Every time I try to download, our fucking pc hangs! What the fuck IS the matter with this motherfucking pc! After fixing one problem, another arises! Also, I found out that this pc has a limit. It hangs after 3 hours of internet connection. Man, this really sucks!

Well, at least I can stream animes from streaming sites...

And at least I can blog all I want now...

I just wish I knew how to customize my blog...
Maybe I can get Daryl to teach me...or even AJ. They know a lot about these kinds of things.

I've always wanted to blog before...
And now...I'm doing it! hahaha!

I don't really know what other people do with their blogs but as for me, I will put all of my thoughts and experiences in this blog...
I will try to post here in my blog as often as everyday! wahahaha!

I really don't care if others view this blog or not, I just reall wanna write something. I just really wanna express my thoughts and emotions. Also, this is a good way of recording which others also might learn from...

It's getting late...

mata ashita!