Friday, June 13, 2008

Getting Ready...

I'm feeling really really sleepy today...

I slept at about 1 am this morning and woke up at 7...
Classes begin on now, I'm already preparing myself.(for it)
I've been sleeping really late this whole summer...watching tv, animes, surfing the net and stuff.
And this is a way I thought of to revert to normal.

Also I usually blog at midnight, but now I'm doing it before supper.
A lot's gonna change...not just my sleeping habit. I can feel it. I'm in college now.
And if I'm gonna change, why not for the better? deshou?...XD

Man, I'm really really sleepy! I can't think straight. I may just be typing nonsense in this blog...


I just noticed...
Why is the time or clock(whatever you call it) in this blog set for american time?
Isn't it supposed to be set like our time here in the Philippines? I mean, friendster's like that. So why not blogger?


About today...

I really didn't do anything today.(as always)
I just had a Code Geass marathon.
I watched...err, re-watched rather, all the episodes I was unable to last week.

I also watched a few Naruto Shippuden episodes. It was awesome but a weeeeee bit too much "superpowered" to the point that it's already getting a little bit too weird. Merely my opinion though. haha...

Hope we have something good for dinner...


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