Thursday, June 12, 2008

Yui and the Bitch...

I didn't get to chat with her today. I overslept.
I caught her online though. But she didn't open up a chat-whatever they call it. That box where you can chat in Imesh. Just like those in YM.
Sorry if I don't know whatever you call it...
I don't even know the filipino term for it(if it has one)...
I just call it the "chatbox". That's the term I use...
Surprisingly, everyone who hears it seems to figure out what I'm talking about...

Back to the topic. It's better that way...that we didn't chat.
That hunch of mine yesterday...that she was flirting with me. I was right!
Last night I opened up my Imesh and a message popped up...
(You would be able to relate with what I'm saying if you have an Imesh)
(It's exactly like an offline message in YM)
It says: "Sure! I would love to chat with you tomorrow. Mhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! I give very long kisses. Take care. Bye".
Or something really really similar to that...
I'm not very sure about that "take care" part. But I'm positively sure that the rest is exactly like what I've typed...

After having her bf cheats on her...after he hurts her. After only a few hours of "the incident", she flirts with me! Rather, she tries to flirt with me. Remember I didn't give in to her.
God, what the hell is the matter with people nowadays! Is there no descent girl left in this world? Or guys too for that matter...

The way people are acting(especially the younger generations), love means nothing more than two people being together, sharing sweet conversations, eating out and having sex. After all that is done and they(or one of the two) had enough, they'll just leave(each other/ the other) and move on to another person, and so on.

God, I hate those kind of people! They really piss me off! They are one of the few main reasons why the world is such an evil place today!
I Hope there's an appropriate punishment waiting for them in the afterlife!

In the brighter side of things, today is a not-so-average day!
I got to play PS2 for free at my aunt's PS2 and PC rentals...
I almost got beat by my little sis at Tekken! Man, I sucked!

At home...
I listed to all Yui MV's I could find. Surprisingly, I didn't find a single one that I didn't like!
Yui's truly amazing! She has a really great(and cute) voice, and I just love the way she sings!
She's really something!

I think I'm in-love again! haha...xP

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